43rd Regular Conference (From Melbourne)



When: 11:00 AM ~ 12:30 PM (Melbourne, Australia Time), Sunday 8 September 2024

Fee: Free (online) / $10 ( at Melbourne Ikebana Festival)

Donation: We welcome 500 yen donation. See below. 

Title: Exploring Seniors introduction to Ikebana – what, if not mindful?

Presenters: Melbourne Ikebana Festival Research Team (Karen Thode, Shoan Lo, Shoka Healey & Dr Shoso Shimbo) 

English presentation

Abstract : 

Around the world the wellbeing benefits of mindfulness meditative practices are well publicized. Claims of ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging, as a mindfulness practice are easily found when an online search is conducted but researched evidence is scant especially outside Japan.   Advanced ikebana practitioners laud it as meditative and beneficial to wellbeing; but no studies could be found of beginner’s experience of ikebana.  


This pilot mixed methods study explored participants experience of mindfulness during an introductory ikebana workshop. Twenty-five seniors aged between 60-90+years were recruited at Probus (a senior’s club) and via snowball sample. Informed consent was obtained at registration and confirmed on commencement of the workshop. Freedom to withdraw consent or participation at any time was advised.

The Toronto Mindfulness Scale (TMS) was used to gather quantitative data. TMS trait (personality style) scores were recorded pre workshop and TMS state scores (experiences arising) post workshop. Data were collated, tabulated, and analyzed for deviation between scores for mindfulness elements of curiosity and decentering for each participant.  

After the workshop semi structured phone or email interviews explored participant perceptions of their experience during the workshop.  Consent, confidentiality, and anonymity of results were ensured.  Phone interviews were recorded on iPhone/iPads and transcribed using ‘Turboscribe’ and checked for accuracy by respective interviewers.  

Results are pending but early thematic analysis indicates the workshop evoked relaxation (an initial mindfulness response), focus, feelings of enjoyment, satisfaction, new learning, and challenge. Practices of ‘active/healthy ageing’ by participants and connection to their interests or another participant contributed to motivation to attend. Interest in continuing ikebana and/or attending Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival exhibition in Abbottsford on 7 -8 September 2024 was high. Three participants committed to ongoing lessons and most indicated intention to attend the festival.  

Initial TMS results suggest the workshop enhanced mindfulness of many participants although the statistical analysis of the significance of the discrepancy from their trait mindfulness is pending. 

This study contributes some evidence to claims of ikebana as a mindful meditation for senior beginners. More research is needed. Results may have implications for how ikebana is taught to cultivate mindfulness in senior students and raise awareness of  seniors needs and potential benefits of practicing ikebana. 

How to Join

. Send Application Form
. Receive a Zoom link to join the conference. 

If you want to join the ISIR, please visit our Membership page

Welcome: Dr Osamu Inoue - President of ISIR, Professor - Kyoto Saga Art College.

MC: Shoan Lo - Secretary of ISIR, Managing Director of Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival, Associate Director of Ikebana Gallery Award & Ikebana Dojo.

43回 国際いけ花学会例会



参加費用 無料

寄付:  歓迎いたします。以下をクリックし、カードで500円をお振り込みください。

参加方法 (オンライン参加の場合):
. 参加申し込み用紙を送付。
. 参加用のリンクをお送りします。所定の時間になりましたら、リンクをクリックしてご参加ください。


発表者:  メルボルン生け花フェスティバル研究チーム

発表要旨:上記英文案内参照 (英語による発表です)


MC: Shoan Lo - 国際いけ花学会書記、 Project Manager of Wa Melbourne Ikebana FestivalAssociate Director of Ikebana Gallery Award & Ikebana Dojo.