
International Society of Ikebana Research (ISIR)


1. This society is named as International Society of Ikebana Research, ISIR.

2. ISIR is located at Wanodetobunka research office at Kyoto University of the Arts.
3. ISIR aims to contribute to the development of Ikebana through research on Ikebana and through interaction among members.
4. ISIR’s activities include following;
a. General conferences and regular conferences
b. Publication of an annual journal, International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS).
c. Other related issues.
5. ISIR has following officials;
a. 1 President
b. Up to 2 vice presidents
c. Up to 10 directors
d. Up to 4 secretaries
e. Up to 2 auditors
6. ISIR officials are selected from ISIR members at its general meeting. The president represents ISIR and gives a summary of its activities. The vice presidents support the president and can be an acting president if necessary. Directors form a committee to deal with general business. Secretaries are in charge of accounting, editing, advertising and other general business. Auditors audit accounting.
7.The term of the officials is two years and officials can be reappointed.
8. Members of ISIR are to agree with its objectives as specified in section 3 above. There are two types of members, regular members (individual or organization) and student members.
9. Members of ISIR can submit manuscripts for consideration to be included in the journal. They can also attend the ISIR general meetings.
10. Members are required to pay annual membership fee up front. Membership fees will not be refunded under any circumstances.
11. A member may lose his or her membership under following conditions.
a. Resignation
b. Death
c. Dismissal
d. Arrears of membership fee
e. Dissolution of ISIR
12. ISIR can dismiss any member whose behavior is found to be unacceptable at a general meeting.
13. General conference will be held annually in autumn in Japan and there will be some other regular conferences.
14. During the general conference the annual general meeting (AGM) will be held and the annual accounts will be tabled.
15. At the AGM the following points will be discussed:
a. Annual report and accounting of the previous year.
b. Plans and budgets for the next year.
c. Selection of officials
d. Amendments to the rules of the Society
e. Other issues related to ISIR
16. Issues raised at the AGM are to be decided by majority of members present at the AGM.
17. The board of directors consists of the president, vice presidents and directors. The president calls meetings with the board and when over half the members are present the board's decisions are binding.
18. The board of directors will discuss issues for the AGM and other necessary issues for the Society.
19. The budget of ISIR consists of membership fees, business income and donations.
20. The financial year of ISIR starts from April 1 and end March 31 the following year.
This regulation becomes effective after September 15 in 2013.
21.ISIR was established on September 1, 2012.