Kado and Ikebana Glossary
Aburasashi あぶらさし(油差し) A type of hanging bamboo vase. The original meaning is a Lubricator.
Agebana あげばな(揚げ花) Same as Tekka
Aikugi あいくぎ(合釘) A double-pointed nail
Ankou あんこう(鮟鱇) A type of standing bamboo vase. The original meaning is an Anglar.
Ashimoto あしもと(足元) Foot parts of arranged flowers.
Ashirai あしらい Subsidiary flower materials.
Bana ばな(花) A Flower. (eg: Ikebana or Moribana)
Bukka ぶっか(仏花) Flowers for the decoration of Buddhism statues.
Chabana ちゃばな(茶花) Flowers for a Japanese tearoom.
Choji-dome ちょうじどめ(丁字留め) A technique to hold materials, connecting materals a short branch in T-shape.
Choshun ちょうしゅん(長春) Another name of Rose. It means "Everlasting Spring"
De で(出) A point where a branch separates.
Eda えだ(枝) A branch
Edaburi えだぶり(枝振り) The shape of a branch
Edamono えだもの(枝物) A woody plant (⇔Kusamono)
Enso-giri えんそうぎり(円相切) A circlar hole on a Zundo
Fuji-Nagasi ふじながし(富士流し) A stream which looks like Mt. Fuji.
Furo ふろう(不老) Another name of Pine tree. It means "Forever Young".
Geido げいどう(芸道) Unity between art and self-cultivation
Ha は(葉) A leaf
Hana はな(花、華) A flower
Hana-Basami はなばさみ(花鋏) A pair of scissors for Ikebana
Hanaire はないれ(花入) A flower vase, especially one used for Chabana
Hanami はなみ(花見) Cherry-blossom viewing
Hanaya はなや(花屋) A flower shop
Hasami はさみ(鋏) A pair of scissors
Hasu はす(蓮) Lotus
Happa はっぱ(葉っぱ) A leaf
Heian へいあん(平安) Another name of Bamboo. It means "Peace".
Heika へいか(瓶花) Same as Nageire
Hidari ひだり(左) The left
Ichimonji-dome いちもんじどめ(一文字留) A technique to hold materials, setting a branch in the mouth of a vase in I-shape.
Iga-yaki いがやき(伊賀焼) A pottery made in Iga
Igeta-kubari いげたくばり(井桁配り) A technique to hold materials, setting branches in the mouth of a vases in "#"shape.
Ikebana いけばな(生花) 1, Japanese traditional flower arrangements
2, A style of Ikebana. It is also called Seika
Ikekomi いけこみ(生け込み) To put flowers in a vase on the day before an ikebana exhibition. (⇔Tekka)
Ikeru いける(生ける、活ける) To arrange flowers
Ikka-Ichiyo いっかいちよう(一花一葉) An Ikebana arrangement made by one flower and one leaf.
Imieda いみえだ(忌み枝) A branch which are prohibited from being used.
Imihana いみはな(忌み花) A flower which are prohibited from being used.
Insu いんすう(陰数) An even number (⇔Yosu)
In-Yo いんよう(陰陽) Yin and Yang
Ishianadome いしあなどめ(石穴留め) A flower holder of stone with holes.
Ishigumi いしぐみ(石組) Arrangement of stones
Isshikimono いっしきもの(一色物) Ikebana made by one kind material.
Jumonji-dome じゅうもんじどめ(十文字留) A technique to hold materials, setting branches in the mouth of a vase in +shape.
Kabin かびん(花瓶) A Flower vase
Kadai かだい(花台) A stand for a flower vase.
Kadensho かでんしょ(花伝書) The books on the theory of Ikebana.
Kado かどう(花道、華道) Spiritual seeking through Ikebana
Kadomatsu かどまつ(門松) New year decorations made of pine branches or bamboo.
Kaeribana かえりばな(返り花) A flower which is in bloom out of season
Kago-hanaire かごはないれ(籠花入れ) A basket vase.
Kaki かき(花器) The generic name of flower vases
Kaku かく(格) The standard of the shape of flowers. Some kind of Ikebana has very strict Kaku. Twigs has each name and they are fixed in their own positions and directions.
Kakubana かくばな(格花) Flower arrangement with Kaku.
Kao かおう(花王) Another name of Peony. It means "King of Flowers"
Karamono からもの(唐物) Chinese goods
Katen かてん(花展、華展) A flower exhibition of the works of Ikebana. These were held at temples or teahouse in pre-modern era . Nowadays the large-scale exhibitions are usually held in department stores.
Kazai かざい(花材) Flower materials
Kenzan けんざん(剣山) A frogs, or a needle -point flower holder.
Kinka きんか(禁花) Same as Imihana
Kinki きんき(禁忌) Taboo
Komiwara こみわら(込み藁) Straws used for holding materials
Kubarigi くばりぎ(配り木) A Y-shaped flower holder used for Seika. Also called Matagi.
Kuden くでん(口伝) Oral instruction
Kuge くげ(供華) Flowers for decoration for Buddhism pictures or statues
Kusamono くさもの(草物) A herbaceous plant (⇔Edamono)
Ma ま(間) The interval of space. This is a crucial factor of the beauty in Ikebana
Matagi またぎ(又木) Same as Kubarigi
Matsu まつ(松) Pine
Mazeike まぜいけ(混ぜ生け) A mixed arrangement
Menjyou めんじょう(免状) A rank diploma
Migi みぎ(右) The right
Mimono みもの(実物) A material with fruits
Mizu みず(水) Water
Mizuage みずあげ(水揚げ) Water intake
Mizugiwa みずぎわ(水際) Water's edge
Mizukiri みずきり(水切り) Cutting a stem in water
Mizu-mono みずもの(水物) A water plant ( ⇔ Oka-mono)
Moribana もりばな(盛花) One of forms of Ikebana. The flowers put in wide flower bowls.
Nagashi ながし(流し) A streaming branch.
Nagasu ながす(流す) To make a stream
Nageire なげいれ(抛入、投入) One of forms of Ikebana. The flowers freely and naturally put in a vase.
Nata なた(鉈) A hatchet
Nokishin のきしん(除き真) A curved Shin
Oka-mono おかもの(陸者) A land plant ( ⇔ Mizu-mono)
Otoshi おとし(落とし) A metal water container put in a Zundo.
Rikka りっか(立華) One of forms of Ikebana.
Ryuuha りゅうは(流派) Schools or sects
Ryugibana りゅうぎばな(流儀花) Same as Seika
Sakura さくら(桜) Japanese Cherry
Sanboku さんぼく(三木) Three trees for Rikka; Pine, Chinese juniper, and Japanese cypress.
Sansai さんさい(三才) The three powers; Heaven, Earth and Men
Sangi さんぎ(三儀) Same as Sansai
Sanze さんぜ(三世) The three world; Future, Present and Past.
Sarikirai さりきらい(去嫌い) Taboo
Seika せいか(生花) A form of Ikebana. Seika has three main branches.
Seika せいか(生花) An natural flower (⇔Zouka)
Sen せん(線) A line
Sendnesyo せんでんしょう(仙伝抄) An ancient book on Tatehana written in the 16th century.
Senka せんか(仙果) Another name of Peach. It means "Magical Fruits"
Shigaraki-yaki しがらきやき(信楽焼) A pottery made in Shigaraki
Shin しん(真、心) The main branch.
Shin-Gyo-So しん、ぎょう、そう(真、行、草) The three basic forms of flower in Ikebana. Originally these are a term of calligraphy. Shin is the most formal form, So is the most informal one, and Gyo is between them.
Shippo しっぽう(七宝) A kind of flower holder
Shizen しぜん(自然) Nature
Souka そうか(挿花) Putting a flower
Sugushin すぐしん(直真) A straight Shin
Suiban すいばん(水盤) A wide flower bowl mainly used for Moribana.
Sunanomono すなのもの(砂之物) A type of Rikka, arranged in a Suiban-like vase.
Syussyou しゅっしょう(出生) Naturality of flowers. The balance of Kaku and Syussyou is the most important and difficult factor of Ikebana.
Take たけ(竹) Bamboo
Tameru ためる(矯める) To bend branches by fingers
Tekka てっか(撤花) Put an arrangement off a vase on the last day of a flower exhibition. (⇔Ikekomi)
Ten'enchihou てんえんちほう(天円地方) The theory of Heaven-Round-Earth-Square.
Tomeru とめる(留める) Holding a material
Ubutate うぶたて(生立て) Rikka made by natural materials
Ume うめ(梅) Japanese Apricot
Usubata うすばた(薄端) A kind of flower vase
Uzukumaru うずくまる(蹲丸) A kind of standing vase
Wabana わばな(和花) Japanese flowers
Wago わごう(和合) 1. Concord or Harmonization, 2. Another name of Lily.
Yo よう(用) One of main branches of Seika
Yosu ようすう(陽数) An odd number (⇔Insu)
Youbana ようばな(洋花) Western flowers.
Youshiki ようしき(様式) A style
Yu ゆう(用) One of main branches of Moribama
Zanka ざんか(残花) A flower which remains long
Zouka ぞうか(造花) An artificial flower
Zundo ずんど(寸渡) A kind of flower vase shaped column. They are usually made of bamboo, earthenware or plastic.