
 International Society of Ikebana Research (ISIR)


President: Dr Osamu Inoue

Professor, Saga Art College

Dr Inoue is Professor at Saga Art College in Kyoto. He is a leading academic in ikebana studies with a number of publications on ikebana and Japanese traditional arts. He is also Professor in Sagagoryu School of Ikebana. He has helped Ikebana Gallery Award as a judge since its foundation. He has lectured on ikebana at Monash University, Bauhaus University, Chinese Culture University, and Notthingham Trent University.

嵯峨美術大学教授 井上治


Vice President: Dr Toyoaki Watanuki

Professor,  Tsukuba University

筑波大学教授 綿抜豊昭


Vice President: Dr Shoso Shimbo 

Ikebana Artist

Shoso has an MA in Japanese Studies, a Master of Fine Art and PhD in Education. He is also qualified as a garden designer (Japan Horticultural Society) specialising in Japanese gardens. He taught Japanese Aesthetics at RMIT University Short Courses. He is a founding director of Ikebana Gallery Award, Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival and Ikebana Dojo. He has numerous publications on Ikebana and contemporary art and is a regular contributor to the International Journal of Ikebana Studies.

。早稲田大学第一文学部哲学科東洋哲学専修卒、Monash大学日本研究科修士、 Monash大学美術修士(彫刻)、RMIT大学教育学部博士号取得。華道師範、庭園デザイナー資格取得。メルボルン国際フラワー・ガーデンショー金賞受賞、イェーリング・ステーション現代彫刻展ABL賞受賞他。

Special Advisor: Dr Nadia El Borai

Former President of Ikebana International

Senior Advisor, First President of ISIR: Dr Yoshiho Kobayashi 

Visiting Researcher, Ritsumeikan University