Finalists - Ikebana Gallery Award 2023

Ikebana Gallery Award - For all Ikebana students around the world

The Ikebana Gallery Award Committee is pleased to announce that the following 5 works have been selected as finalists in the Ikebana Gallery Award 2023.

Congratulations to the students whose works have been selected!

The finalists' works have been sent to our expert judges. The winner will be announced within a few weeks. To receive update notices, simply like the Ikebana Gallery Facebook page.

We are very fortunate to receive great support and advice in our selection process from Professor Osamu Inoue, Saga Art College, Kyoto. 

Dr Inoue is a prominent Ikebana artist and researcher, and the president of International Society of Ikebana Research (ISIR). Dr Inoue's recent publications includes "Thought of Ikebana" (花道の思想」思文閣出版  ) and "Nature, Man and Flowers" (2021) .

The winner of Ikebana Gallery Award and his/her teacher will be invited to join the Hanadayori project, a part of Melbourne Ikebana Festival.
