
 International Society of Ikebana Research (ISIR)


International Society of Ikebana Research (ISIR) welcomes new members who are interested in Ikebana research.
- Each member can submit articles to our online journal and can apply to give presentation at our conferences.
- She/He can attend our conferences for free.
- Annual fee for members is from ¥1000.

How to join ISIR

1. Check the details in Regulations and other pages in this site.

2. Use your card to pay your membership fee
¥1000 - Until the end of next March. Until 31/3/2025
¥2000 - Until the end of next March plus 1 year. Until 31/3/2026

3. Send a following application form.

4. Receive your membership number from ISIR. If you don't receive our notice in two weeks after your payment, please send an email to

5. Join ISIR's mailing list. Register your email address on the home page in this site. Note that you will receive a confirmation email and you need to click to complete your registration.  

6. To attend our conference, please see the conference notice on our website and book quoting your membership number.

Note: Your membership fee does not include any copies of our journals (vol.1 to vol.8).