42nd Regular Conference


When: 1:00 PM ~ 2:30 PM (Japan Time), 13 April 2024

Venue: Online Event

Fee: Free 

Donation: We welcome 500 yen donation. 

How to join

(1) Send a booking form.

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Title: How and Why Global Business Leaders Appreciate the Wisdom of Ikebana

PresenterMayuka Yamazaki

Mayuka Yamazaki is ikebana artist and founder of IKERU, which brings
the wisdom of ikebana to business and leadership development. She also
works as a contributing editor of DIAMOND Harvard Business Review and
as external directors of the three public companies including Ryohin
Keikaku (MUJI).

Prior to devoting herself to IKERU, Mayuka worked at Harvard Business
School (HBS) Japan Research Center as Assistant Director. While
working at HBS for 10 years, Mayuka co-authored over 30 HBS cases
about Japan with HBS professors and supported various research related
to Japan. Mayuka played a critical role in designing and running the
HBS immersive field-course in the 3.11 disaster-affected Tohoku areas,
which she later published as a book “Why and What Has Harvard Learned
in Tohoku, Japan” in 2016.

Prior to that, Mayuka worked as a management consultant at McKinsey &
Company. She graduated with a BA in Economics from Tokyo University
and with a Master of Science in Foreign Service (academic excellence)
from Georgetown University. She now lives in Karuizawa, a town in the
mountains, with her husband and seven-year-old daughter.

IKERU: https://mayukaikeru.com/

English presentation


For a long time, ikebana, which I had practiced as something deeply
personal and private, and business, where I had built my career, were
two completely separate worlds. However, while I was working at
Harvard Business School (called “the capitol of the Capitalism), I
started to see some changes in management studies and leadership
education and increasingly more overlaps between these two worlds,
which led me to found IKERU to bring the wisdom of ikebana to business
and leadership development in 2017. Since then, I have offered
workshops, which I designed based on my long-term experience in
leadership education, to leaders and managers in business, education
and non-profit sector as well as lessons to professionals, artists and
entrepreneurs in their 20s to 50s. In this talk, I would like to share
how the wisdom of ikebana can be applied to today’s business and

leadership education.

Welcome: Dr Osamu Inoue - President of ISIR, Professor - Kyoto Saga Art College.

MC: Shoan Lo - Secretary of ISIR, Project Manager of Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival, Associate Director of Ikebana Gallery Award & Ikebana Dojo.

第42回 国際いけ花学会例会



参加費用: 無料

寄付:  歓迎いたします。以下をクリックし、カードで500円をお振り込みください。


1. 参加申し込み用紙を送付。

2. 参加用のリンクをお送りします。所定の時間になりましたら、リンクをクリックしてご参加ください。


発表タイトル:How and Why Global Business Leaders Appreciate the Wisdom of Ikebana

発表者:  山崎繭加

発表要旨:上記英文案内参照 (英語による発表です)


MC: Shoan Lo - 国際いけ花学会書記、 Project Manager of Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival、Associate Director of Ikebana Gallery Award & Ikebana Dojo.